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Chinati Student Poetry Readings

Chinati Education Interns, Emma Rogers and Rae Anna Hample; Marfa ISD students Paul Pena and Hannah Skelton; Chinati Education Coordinator, Michael Roach (Anna Rose MacArthur/KRTS)

Since February the Chinati Foundation has been holding poetry workshops with the freshmen and sophomores of Marfa ISD and students at Fort Davis high school.

The students studied the history of poetry, elements of poetry, how text interacts with the page to form a poem. They analyzed how different people reading the same poem changes a poem. From there, they did writing exercises. Finally, they created their own poems, writing them and printing them via silk screen and reading them to the class. Many of these students will share their poems with the community this Sunday at the Chinati Community Day event.

On West Texas Talk Today, we will be speaking with Marfa ISD students, Paul Pena and Hannah Skelton; Chinati Education Coordinator, Michael Roach; and Chinati Education Interns, Rae Anna Hample and Emma Rogers.

Sunday, April 19th marks the annual Community Day celebration at the Chinati Foundation in Marfa. In addition to self-guided tours and a talk on Larry Bell's special exhibition, the program also features screen printed poems by area high school students and a public reading of their work.

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