Annie Rosenthal
Border ReporterAnnie Rosenthal was Marfa Public Radio's Border Reporter, a role she held in partnership with Report for America. She worked at the station from 2021 to 2024.
The study, commissioned by the city last year, shows high subsurface temperatures could make the Big Bend border region an attractive place to drill for the renewable energy source.
Al principio, los familiares de las personas enterradas en El Cementerio del Barrio de los Lipanes esperaban proteger el cementerio apache lipán de un mayor deterioro. Tres años después, han creado un monumento que ayuda a los visitantes a comprender su pasado y a mirar hacia el futuro.
In the beginning, relatives of the people buried in El Cementerio del Barrio de los Lipanes hoped to protect the Lipan Apache burial ground from further decay. Three years later, they’ve created a memorial that helps visitors understand its past — and look to the future.
Sul Ross State University in Alpine has formally determined that a West Texas man is a “lineal descendant” connected to 900-year-old human remains housed at the school’s Center for Big Bend Studies. The finding comes as museums and universities across the U.S. reckon with the history of plundered Native American graves.
La Universidad Estatal Sul Ross de Alpine ha determinado formalmente que un hombre del oeste de Texas es un "descendiente directo" relacionado con restos humanos de 900 años de antigüedad que se conservan en el Centro de Estudios del Big Bend de la universidad. El hallazgo se produce cuando los museos y universidades de Estados Unidos se enfrentan a la historia del saqueo de tumbas de nativos americanos.
Organizadores de la Big Bend Conservation Alliance y de la recién creada People of La Junta for Preservation afirman que "Cibolo Rock" reflejaría mejor la historia de la región. La propuesta ha suscitado un debate en Internet, con los lugareños divididos entre preservar la tradición y reivindicar el pasado.
Organizers with the Big Bend Conservation Alliance and People of La Junta for Preservation say “Cibolo Rock” would better reflect the region’s history. The proposal has sparked debate online, with locals divided between preserving tradition and reclaiming a longer history.
In West Texas, many local-level races with only one party participating are being essentially decided in the Super Tuesday primary elections.
Candidates for county attorney, county commissioner, and county tax assessor-collector fielded questions from voters at the event in Presidio this weekend. With no GOP candidates running this year, next month’s Democratic primary will decide all the county races.
Park visitation held steady in 2023 after hitting a record high two years ago. Local officials say it could be a sign that tourism to the region has reached “an equilibrium point.”